Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Sasuke Uchiha Baby daddy for haromi



“and that’s when I heard him talking to kiba about you like that, it took everything, and  I mean everything I had to leave him there and come right here to tell you!” naruto exclaimed. He had just finished telling you how kiba made some sort of bet with sasuke, to get you to fall in love with him –although you already were- but to make you crazy about him like the other girls in the village.

Just then sasuke came through the front door of your apartment –without knocking- just as Harumi finished listening to naruto; she also gave naruto a look that made him leave. “Hey, I was coming to look for you.” he held out a small box. “I got you something.” He smirked.

His eyes came off so warm, that if Haromi wasn’t so furious, and disgusted, she could have gotten lost in them. You see sasuke only opened up some of his feelings for haromi.

“Yeah, I know. I heard.” You squinted at him in disapproval.

He studied you and then cautiously added, “I thought we’d take a walk, I found a nice spot while I was walking yesterday.”

“Look, I’m flattered but you can’t do this, sasuke.” You snapped.

“Do what?” a frown replaced his smirk.

“I know what you and kiba did, and I can’t let you do that to me.”

“That was nothing, this is different.” He started walking out the door, and then looked back at you when you didn’t follow. “You coming?”

“It’s not right.” You seethed, and closed the two steps separating you and him, then grabbed him by the forearm. “Come on, I’m going to scold kiba for this too.” You gave him a tug, but he didn’t budge. That’s when you noticed how solid his arm felt under your hand.

He leaned in, “it’s done, Harumi, the bet that is. So let’s go spend some time together.”   His sent –of fresh men’s soap and sasuke –wafted over you.

“The bet... is off?”

“No, but I don’t want to do that.”

“Yeah, right.” You said, trying to ignore his sent and how much you liked it... and how much you liked sasuke. Realizing you still held his arms you let go. Touching him caused you to recall how you guys use to be, before the massacre of the clan. How much you liked sasuke then too, and missed those days.

Sasuke’s frown tightened. “You don’t believe me?”
You stood there staring at him. “No, why should I?”

He closed his eyes for a second, and then lowered his head closer and whispered, “please, trust me Harumi, I won’t do that to you.”

Something about his voice seemed to reach deep inside you and scramble your mind. Or perhaps it was how his breath whispered against your neck, the soft, sweet tickle on your collar bone that made it impossible to think.

Impossible to tell him no.

“Okay. I’ll go” but even as you cratered to his wishes, you told yourself you had to be careful. Sasuke, for whatever reason, had a controlling power over you, and that could be dangerous.

His onyx eyes focused right onto your purple irises as he smirked again. “Let’s go”

He held out his hand. You were going to take it but swiftly brought your hand back, and placed both in your pockets. “I’ll follow.”

Disappointment weakened his smirk, but he nodded and started walking. And you did as you told him you’d do, you followed.

You didn’t talk for the longest five minutes ever as he started up a trail. He then turned off the trail to the right and led you up the hill of trees.

Just when you were about to say something, you heard the wind, as if you were about to come across a valley.

“It’s right here.” He glanced back at you, his eyes carrying a smile, even though his mouth and facial features didn’t.

You followed him a few more feet before coming to an opening in the trees and a large valley surrounded them. You let out a slight gasp at the sight, the anger and confusion melted away and as you looked back over to sasuke you let out a light smile.

 You then walked over to him and whispered, “you know that you would of won the bet… just saying.” Before pulling back and running down the small hill of the valley.

Sasuke stunned by the info, tried to register it but couldn’t wrap his head around it. “Wait, haromi!” he said as he appeared in front of your running figure, as you then crash into him sending them both to the ground.

You looked down at him. “Dose this answer your question?” you then swiftly placed your lips onto his and went to jump up and off him, but he quickly wrapped his arms around you, and placed his lips back onto hers.

Her eyes slowly close as she melted into the heated kiss, her lips moulding perfectly with his. You didn’t know why the kiss was so intoxicating, but as he slipped his tongue into your mouth you completely lost all the sanity in your entire being.

You let out moans as he rubbed his tongue over yours, as you then started to fight. He then pulled his lips off your now bruised ones and attacked your neck leaving trails of butterfly kisses that burned your skin with passion, lust and love.

There were no words, just kisses, and sounds of pleasure, as he continued to do this, before you felt one of the light kisses reached a sensitive area of your neck. You grunted out as he kissed the spot harder than before.

“Sasuke...” your head was spinning as he sucked on your neck, nipping and biting it; meanwhile you were entangling your hands into his raven locks, which were surprisingly soft. You slightly tugged on the locks of hair, causing a grunt to surface from the Uchiha.

You let out a slight smirk as you realize you had some control over the now hormonal adolescent male, even though you were in the same situation as him.

As he then finally pulled away from your neck, you felt him pull you up wards as he removed your top, kissing down you jaw line once again, and as he descended down your neck he came to your bra. He moves his hands up your back slowly trailing them as he kiss the hollow of your neck.

Your bra straps then became loose as you realize he unhooked it. Slowly he slid the article of clothing off your body, as you went to cover yourself his hands stopped you from doing so. Looking into his eyes you slowly let your arms fall loose, before feeling him kiss down to your right breast.

You moan out, as his mouth covered you already hard nipple, “sasuke!” you gasp as you felt him bite down on your breast.  Sasuke was smirking at the reaction he caused, before sticking his tongue out and circling your nipple. While he licked and bit at your right breast his hand was occupied by your left breast, as he gripped it you let out moan and gasps of pleasure.

Soon he pulls away before switching, and doing the same to your left breast. You moved your hands from his raven locks; you bring them down to the brim of his shirt, as you slipped your hand up and under it, feeling the toned flesh behind it.

Slowly you pulled on the fabric, lifting it upwards, as he pulled away from your breasts just to slip it off his head. Staring down at his perfectly toned chest and abs, you heard him smirk, as you looked up to sasuke he kissed you with so much passion it caused you to fall backwards towards the ground. You felt Sasuke’s arms gently guide you down.

He looked you in the eyes as he leant down so his lips were mere inches apart, as he whispered his lips brushed yours and his hot breath hi your face, “ do you love me, haromi.” You could see little particles of hope and love in his eyes as he asked you.

“Yes. Always... sasuke.” You say and not mere seconds after the words left your lips he kisses you. His hands ran up and down your sides, before bringing them to the hem of your shorts, before unbuttoning them and pulling them off, only to show your black lacy panties.

Blushing of embarrassment, you lean up to Sasuke’s chest to hide from his gaze, you hear a chuckle, as sasuke gripped he your shoulders pulling you away from him he looked into your eyes, his gaze fogged over with love, lust and desire.

Slowly he brought his hands down and slid of your last article of clothing. Your gaze then traveled down his chest to the growing bulge in his pants. Moving slightly your hand reached out grabbing the hidden flesh, as you did so sasuke let out a low growl.

Swiftly hi pinned both of your wrists with one hand and unbuttoned and slid off his pants with the other, he kiss you as he let go of the grip on your wrists while he pulled down his boxers realising him of the pain, he pulled your hips closer positioning himself at your entrance, you looked up at him slowly nodding your head to let him continue.

Then, he pushes in past your virgin walls, breaking your barrier. You let out a scream but it was soon silenced by Sasuke’s lips as he shoved his tongue down your throat.

Sasuke stood still waiting for you to adjust to him and his size, slowly you felt no more pain as you moved your hips against his as if  to test, you moan out. Sasuke then took this as the time to start moving in and out of you. “Sas…sasuke... more please...” you moan out as he started to do so.

As the force of him rocking you move you upwards with every thrust you let out moan and groans of pleasure. As he went faster and deeper you felt some sort of coil build up. And as you thought of this coil you felt sasuke push his trusts deeper hitting a spot that made you scream out in pleasure.

Sasuke liked the noises that came from your mouth, as he hit that spot and aimed for it with every thrust and grind of his hips, you also felt the hot throbbing coming from Sasuke’s member, and with one hard thrust after another your coil finally snapped sending you the feeling of total bliss.

You climax help sasuke as he went faster pounding in and out of you, then you felt the warmth as his climax hit filling your womb to the hilt, while mixing with your own climax. He then slowly slid out of you and looked you in the eyes, “I love you… haromi... ever since we were little…” he whispered while snuggling his head into your neck.

“I do and will always, love you sasuke…” you whispered back panting as he then came up and kissed your bruised lips one last time before standing to help you up.

“Stupid, stupid, stupid…” you whispered to yourself while sobbing in the corner of your bedroom, you stared at the pregnancy test that now lay on the floor. You were pregnant, and it was Sasuke’s –of course.
You knew sasuke wanted to rebuild the Uchiha clan, but you were both still young, you were just basically starting your adult lives. And you still had the thought if sasuke even wanted this child. You were taken out of your thoughts when a knock ranged through your house from the front door.

“Hey, haromi let me in… I need to talk to you… it’s … well… it’s difficult to understand...” you could hear Sasuke’s voice sound through the quite house just like the knock. “Are you home?” you heard him ask. Before he added, “I’ll let myself in.” you heard him knock over the flower pot where your spare key was.
You didn’t want sasuke to see you right now, no madder what he had to say to you, he would find out about the pregnancy if he came in. and just then your bedroom door opened to reveal a very stressed looking sasuke.

When he looked at your face, that was all tear stained and your makeup was smudged all down it, a worry look appeared in his eyes for a second. “Haromi what happened are you –

He then caught a look at the pregnancy test. He walked over and gingerly picked it up, “your pregnant?” he asked you while you looked at him, you then slowly nodded your head yes.

He then came over, and sat next to you pulling you into his lap. “Shh it’s ok…” he cooed in your ear as you started to cry once again, you then stopped though from the feel of something being pushed into your lap.

You looked down to find the box he wanted to give you when he took you to the valley where… well you know, as you picked up the small box you slowly opened it to reveal a wedding ring. As you let out a gasp you felt him tense up a bit, before saying “it was my mothers... haromi… will you marry me?” you looked at him before kissing him and saying yes over and over.

“SOSUKE!  YOSUKE! STOP PICKING ON YOUR SISTERS!” you yell as you watched your 2 year old daughter play in the yard, just then you look up to see sasuke walking home from work, he started the Uchiha police force again and was just getting home now.

As you 2 year old daughter, nanumi saw sasuke she stood and clumsily ran to him. Sasuke let out a soft smile at his daughter before picking her up and walking over to you. You smile as he kisses you. “I love you… Haromi…” he whispered to you as he lent his forehead on yours.

“I love you too sasuke..” you replied as you then heard your children run out of the house to greet the father, you watched and smile, you couldn’t ask for a more perfect family

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Neji Baby Daddy for Anju7



you name it the story-Anju Sasaki
your age-16
your crush-Neji Hyuga but she tries her best to hide her crush on him and at times she thinks he's a jerk

family-twin sister
family member's names-Sada Sasaki Sada is kind and sweet but she is pretty shy Anju feels protective of Sada and tries to help Sada whenever she can Sada looks just like Anju but has green eyes and she wears her hair up in a ponytail most of the time

past-when she and Sada was 6 they family died in a fire
what you wear-a blue kimono but when she's at home she will just wear a blue t-shirt and some pants
what you look like-blue eyes and curly brown hair that goes a bit over her shoulders
personality-polite most of the time, keeps things bottled up, hates making people she cares about worry about her, shy sometimes (rarely shy),sensitive but tries to hide it, has a soft spot for kids and baby animals/animals and cute things, when she's in trouble or has a problem she tries to get through it herself because she thinks if she asks for help she will be just wasting they time, a little short-tempered, kind, caring, quiet, friendly, smart, clever, witty, daydreams, sometimes lonely, she can stay pretty calm as long as she is not upset or mad, can be stubborn at times, whenever she feels upset she always puts on a fake smile and lie saying she's fine so no one will worry about her, can be cold or cruel towards people she dislikes, can be violent when she is really mad, if you be mean to someone she cares about well that will just be pushing her off the edge with rage and she will try her best to hurt you mentally or physically or both or anything really as long as she can make you pay,



“hey! Sada do you need anything while I’m in town?!” you yell as you put on your shoes.

“No” you heard her say back. As you finished slipping on your right shoe, you held the door handle as you kick your toes into the floor making sure they were on. You opened the door and walked out to the streets. As you walked you stared at 
the sky, just watching how freely the clouds moved.

As you made your way through the busy streets, you dodged everyone as you made your way to a hill where you could just relax. You made your way up the hill and sat down under the big oak tree that was there, as you sat dow you looked down the hill to an open field where you could see Neji training with tenten. As you watch him, you gazed in awe at how swiftly he moved to doge attacks.

You soon fell into a day dream of you and neji, you didn’t really know why you had fell for him, because he can be kind of a jerk. But you still fell for him. You were suddenly taken out of your thoughts as a hand waved in front of your face, your eyes slowly started to focus and tenten and neji came into your view. Tenten was kneeling down in front of you and neji was stand in with his arms crossed looking at you out of the corner of his eyes. As you looked at the two you gave a light smile.

As tenten helped you up she asked if you would like to go on a walk with them, you nodded your head as you continued to walk. You and tenten talked for most of the walk, but the thing you found weird was that neji was staring at you, a lot.
“well I have to head home! “ you heard tenten say as she started to turn in an opposite direction, as you waved goodbye you turned and looked at neji

“so.. do you want to continue the walk or do I just go home?” you asked as he looked at you.

“lets continue our walk.” He said as he started to walk forwards. You walked next  to him  not saying a word. As you coon came to a small path into some woods, neji kept walking as you walked behind him. It was starting to get late as you came to a clearing filled with flowers. You wondered why neji brought you here as you watched him. You then realized the said man in front of you was gone. You were about to look around when you were suddenly pull down and neji was pining you down. When you looked up into his eyes they held something in them, like need or want. Something you couldn’t clearly make out.

“Neji what are you do-“  you were then cut off by him slamming his lips onto yours. Your eyes widened at him, when he pulled away you looked at him. “Neji what are you doing?” you asked him. He put his head closer to your earand whispered in it.

“I can’t hold it in any longer…. I need you.. Anju..” you heard him say your eyes yet again widening with the words. As he kissed you again forcefully, he licked you bottom lip as he asked for you to let him roam your mouth. You declined him as he asked, and with that he held both of your hands up with one and his other hand gripped your breast. You let out a slight gasp as he shoved his tongue down your throat. He went around memorizing it to the last detail. As he did this you slowly closed your eyes as you fell into the bliss of the moment, he then pulled away from your mouth as he kissed down your neck leaving a love bite everywhere he could.

“neji..” you moaned out as he dragged his moist tongue under your ear. He let a smirk show as he began to leave a mark there as well. You felt a tug and looked down through squinted eyes to see him untying your kimono. You squirmed in his hold, as his other hand rubbed up your thigh. As you bent your hips upwards you grinded against his, you felt his clothed erection. He let out a grunt as you did so and his grip loosened on your wrists as you slipped one out of his hold, and slid it up and under his shirt feeling his toned chest.

as he hooked a finger  under you panties pulling them down your legs and off as he let go of his hold on your wrist. You then trailed your hands down to his pants where you rubbed the huge bulge in his pants, you the slid his pants button open. he then grabbed  your wrists once again and kissed you, as he pulled off he’s pants and boxers, as he did this you caught a look at his member and he was big. You then looked up to find him smirking as he pulled away from the kiss. As he then slid off his shirt and hovered over you once again, he then kissed you as he shoved himself in. you tried to scream but the kiss stopped you from it, when you finally calmed down he pulled out of the kiss and started to pump in and out of you.

“Neji… faster please..” you moaned out. As he gripped your hips and pulled you to meet his thrusts, you moaning out his name at every thrust of his hips. As he continued to do this you felt your walls start to tighten around his thick rod, you felt a build-up start to form giving off a butterfly feeling. He then hit a bundle of nerves as he did so you lost it as your climax hit. Neji kept pumping into you a few more times before also meeting his climax.

As he pulled out of you he whispered something you never thought you hear from him. “I love you… Anju..” he grunted out as he lent down for another kiss before you both getting up and getting dressed.


A few weeks later…


“oh no, oh no, oh no…” you said to yourself as you sat on the floor in your bath room with the shower running. You didn’t want your sister to be wondering why you were taking so long, so you said you’d take a shower. Now you were chewing off your finger nail ,while holding a positive pregnancy test. You throughout the test, as you striped stepping into the shower.

After you shower you went for a walk to calm your nerves and to find neji. As you walked down the streets, you again watched the clouds while dodging people, that is until you finally did bump into someone. You looked up and ended up looking into the eyes of the man who you were searching for.

“neji.. can we ahh talk?..” you asked in a hushed like tone. With a nod of his head he turn as you followed him to a park. As you sat down on one of the many benches, he sat next to you. you stared out into nothing for a few before looking at him and timidly saying. “neji… I’m pregnant with your child…”   you watched as his expression changed. It now had a look of disgust and anger on it.

“I am a father to nothing. Whatever you do with it go ahead, but leave me out.” He said as he stood from the bench.

“but you said you loved-“ you never even got to finish that sentence before him cutting you off.

“that was a mistake, that night was a mistake and so is that child..” he said before leaving. You wanted to yell out to him, but there was a lump in your throat that stopped you from doing so. “…neji…” you finally managed to say but it ended in vain, for he was long gone.


6 months later.

As you sat at home rubbing your 7 month old, swollen stomach that’ is until you heard a knock at the door. You slowly stood before walking over to the door and opening it. Which you now wished you hadn’t.
“what do you, want?” you ask the man, the man which you despise most right now. But he didn’t reply back. “what do you want Neji? You basically took everything from me!..” you yelled at the said man as he just stood there staring at your stomach.

You started to close the door, but he stopped it and looked at you with a calm face but with sad eyes. “that’s really.. my child?” he asked you let your jaw drop.

“no.” you said as you came out of that little trance you had. “It’s mine.. you wanted nothing to do with it remember it was a mistake! Same as loving me!” you holler at him, to which he then got a determined look in his eyes before pushing the door in and kissing you.

As he pulled away you went to hit him while he had his guard dropped, but he quickly saw though it holding your wrists. “I do mean I love you. I was scared. Were 16, and im going to be a father. That’s a little scary for me.” He said as you stared at him.

“do you really mean that? Or were those words a mistake too.?” You asked him as he looked down at you, before kissing you once again.

“I mean those words… and I also came here to ask to be a part of this child’s life..” he said as he placed a hand on your stomach.

“I love you neji…” you whispered.

“I love you too Anju…”


“Moriko! Shin! Stay where I can see you!” you yelled to your children as they ran ahead of you. then two arms wrapped around your waist.

“let them be, I can see them..” you heard your loving husband whisper to you, as you let out a sigh you look into neji’s eyes, that is before he broke the eye contact for a kiss.

“I love you neji…” you whispered as you continued to walk.

“and I love you too…” he whispered as he snuggled into your neck as he also wrapped his arms around you in a hug.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Kakashi Hatake Lemon for kawaiiwafflecrunch



NAME – Erina Hoshiyama
AGE- 20
CRUSH- Kakashi Hatake

As you sat at the counter of you parents book store, you watched the people looking around and looking at books, right now though it was pretty boring. You lifted your hand up and rested your head on it. As the sound of the bell rang as someone came in you looked up to see Kakashi walk in as you grew silent as he came up to the counter with a book.

“hello Kakashi” you say as you looked at him with a light smile on your face. you watched his facial feature bend into a warm smile as he nodded his head.  “ahh Kakashi.. you I see I uh….i…” what were you thinking! You thought as you looked around quickly as he gave you a questioning look. “I uh think that this book is great! Yeah! You love it.” You say as you looked down at the book as he gave you the money, and as you read the cover you instantly blush. It was another perv book, of course I get my self out of my embarrassing confession, and instead  made him think I’m into books like that…

 You let out a sigh as you passed him his book, him with that  still warming look on, and you… with a what else look on. “thank you. Erina.” He said as he left the shop. Once he left out turn around so your back was against the counter, and let out a sigh as you slowly slid down it to the floor.

“um? Miss I like to buy this book.”  You heard the next costumer say, as let out another sigh you rose to your feet to stand at the counter once again.


As you started to close up the shop for the night you heard the bell of the door echo though out the building. “sorry but were closed!” you hollered from back be hide the counter, you didn’t hear the door close so you came back.

“hello?” you questioned out but got no reply as you looked around from the counter  you couldn’t see or hear anyone, as you turn around to finish closing you smacked right into someone’s chest. You jumped as you backed up from the person. As you looked at their face . it was Kakashi? Whats he doing here you wondered, that is until he started to move closer towards you backing you into the counter.

“Kakashi… what…what are you d-doing?” you asked as he bent down and lightly kissed you neck through his mask. You let out a light gasp as he did so.

“Erina.. I know what you fell for me....” he said as he kissed your neck even more so, as you stood still shocked and wide eyes at how he knew.  “I.. also feel … the same..” you heard him say in between his kisses.

“kakashi…” you asked/moaned out. As he stopped and looked at you, your hands slowly backing their way up to his face as you pulled down his mask, to reveal a very handsome face behind it. You then reached your head up some as you lightly brush your lips against his, but before you could pull away he had slammed his back onto yours.   You let out another slight gasp at the force of the kiss and with that he shoved his tongue into your mouth roaming it, he then rubbed it against yours, in which a moan slipped past your mouth.

He then pulled away as he kissed you down your neck, as he gently nibbled at your collar bone you let out a groan. Kakashi smirked at the reply he got back and started to bite and suck harder on that one spot, leaving a visible mark.

As he started to lift your shirt over your head he also unclipped your bra. Once those articles of clothing were removed he put you up on the counter and left a trail of burning kisses down your neck to your chest. He then engulfed your right breast into his mouth as he sucked, licked and bit your already hard nipple, before switching to the neglected one.

As you started to tug of his vest and pull up on his shirt, you felt him leave your chest as he then pulled his shirt over and off. You then kissed him passionately as he grinded his hips into yours , as you fet his clothed member you slowly slid off the desk and started to kiss down his neck.
As you went lower you felt him tug  up on you chin before kissing you with so much love lust and need your knees started to get weak as he gently placed you on the floor. He hovered over you while his knee was between your legs rising up more to your clothed womanhood, as he then started to pull down your skirt along with your panties you blushed and tried to close your thighs so he wouldn’t look, but his knee kept that from happening as he sat up and un buttoned his pants pulling them down and off. You then watched as he pull his boxers down enough so he could free himself of the pain. As you let out a gasp at his size you didn’t really know if it were going to fit.

He then kissed you as he pulled away he positioned himself at your entrance as you felt his tip. Soon he pushed all the way into you breaking down your virgin walls, as you screamed out in immense pain you felt him kiss you to help ease it.
“fuck… you so tight… erina…” you heard him groan out.

After a few seconds he started to move in and out of you in a rocking motion as you moaned out his name. he then took that as a signal that you were fine now as he started to pump in and out of youat in human speeds you felt his thick rod hit a bundle of nerves that made you scream out in pure bliss.

As he hit that spot over and over again you felt your wall close in on him as you let out one final moan as you hit your climax, kakashi not far behind as he hit his soon after..

“I love you kakashi…” you panted out.

“I know…” he replied and smirked at you, “ and I love you too erina.” 

Monday, 15 August 2011

Sasuke Uchiha Lemon/ One shot for HarunoSakura95



As you finish cleaning around the house you started to get the ingredients out for dinner, that’s when you heard the door open and Gaara came home. “welcome home Gaara! How was work?” you asked why smiling at him. Gaara looked at you for a few seconds before replying.

“I had lots of paper work.” You heard him grunt out. You then started to cook dinner. As you cooked you thought back to when you were living in the leaf, sure you still got to see your friends, just not all of them. The only one you didn’t see any more was the one you fell for. Sasuke Uchiha. That was the boy you fell in love with. But the thing that broke your heart he only thought of you as a friend and all just because of your eyes. And then he just left the village…

As you felt yourself start to tear up you realize you had to finish making dinner. Soon it was done as you brought it to the table, and called for Gaara. When he came out and sat down you both started to eat as you also talked about your day, and if anything interesting was coming up. When you finished your meal you brought the dishes to the sink as you started to clean off the table. As soon as the dishes where done you looked out the window and noticed it started to rain , so you decided to take a shower. You came to the bath room and locked the door as you started the shower and got undressed. You then stepped into the shower, and as the hot water hit your body you felt relaxed.


While you were taking a shower, Gaara was doing some paper work at the table, when he heard a knock at the door. As he rose up from and seat and walked over to the door to open it. When he opened the door it revealed a very soaked boy, that Gaara knew all to well. “yes.” Gaara asked in his monotone voice, the boy looked up, slightly panting, he looked at Gaara questioningly.

“is this saukra’s house?” he asked, and just like Gaara in a monotone. As Gaara stared at the boy, who was no longer a 
boy, but a man, just like him.

“yes this is our home… Sasuke. What do you want?” Gaara asked growing tired of sasuke’s presents. As sasuke looked at him, with a glare, Gaara looked right back, the sound of the shower in the back ground caught   Sasuke’s attention.

“can I speak with her?” he asked as Gaara sighed and looked sasuke in the eye replying with a single no. that’s when they heard the shower go off, and a few seconds later a door down the hallway open as a girl stepped out with a towel wrapped around her slim body. As both boys watched the said girl walk down the hallway more to her room , Gaara looked back only to find sasuke gone.


As you opened the door to your room and walked in, you went over to your dress as you dropped the towel that covered your body and slipped on some underwear and pyjama shorts and a tank top on. Then you heard a chuckle, but when you looked around your room no one was there, so as you turn towards the door you jumped as you turned into a body.

“hello… Sakura..” you heard the man say, the voice sounded familiar, and as you looked up you gasped as you looked into the eyes of sasuke Uchiha. As you felt your voice get stuck and you throat get dry, all you could do was stare at him as he let out a smirk.

“sa-sasuke..” you say as you backed away from the man you knew. And while you took a step back he took one forward, until you were backed up into a wall. as you shut your eyes tight, thinking you were dreaming you felt his warm breath hit your face. You then felt his fingers slip under your chin bringing your face up to his.

“Sakura…” you heard him whisper, as you felt his lips brush yours as he did so. You open your eyes to come face to face with sasuke, not only him but with his sharingan.  “sorry..” you heard him whisper before blacking out.


Your head was spinning, you tried to move and as you did you let out a groan of pain. “you shouldn’t move.” You heard  a clam voice tell you as you open your eyes and looked around the room, your eyes landing on a certain ravenette.

“ sasuke?..” you asked him, as he gave you a smirk. As you looked around the room you noticed you weren’t in your room anymore but somewhere eles, which you didn’t feel like asking where.

As your eyes followed him as he stood up and walked over to you. you watched him intently as he quickly bent down and kissed you. your eyes widened with the sudden movement. But soon close as the passion of the kiss got to you. as you wrapped your arms around his neck you felt him snake his around your waist, you then felt him lick your bottom lip as if asking for entrance, which you declined. Sasuke didn’t like that so he then shoved his tongue past your lips and teeth as you both fought for dominance. As he won he started to roam your mouth, the taste of his tongue caused a moan to slip out as he rubbed it against yours.

He then left your lips and started to leave a trail of burning kisses down your neck. As his lips went over your sweet spot a hearty moan escaped your lips. When the Uchiha heard that noise he smirked against your skin, as he climbed up onto the bed with you supporting himself with his arms and legs, while he keep sliding his knee up between your legs.

“sasuke…” you moan out as he sucked and bit your neck on the same spot. You were starting to pant from this pleasure, and let out a lustful moan as he bit down rougher, as he left his love bite he came back up and looked into your eyes.

“your mine from now on.” You heard him say dominantly, yet husky at the same time. You then pushed your head up and kissed him even more so your true feelings could be let out. As he kissed you back you started to slide your hand into his shirt so you could feel down his muscular chest. You traced over his abs and in which you got a grunt from sasuke as he then pulled your shirt over your head. You intensely blush, as you try and cover your breast, since you weren’t wearing a bra.

As sasuke pulled your hands away from your chest you looked away from his face. “Sakura… look at me.” You heard him say in a somewhat demanding tone. You slowly turn your head as he crashes his lips onto yours once again. He then started to kiss back down your neck, past your collar bone to your breasts. As he took your left breast into his mouth, he started to suck on your already hard nipple.

“sa-ahh sasuke…” you moan out as he switch over to the neglected one. Once he finished  you felt him kiss down your stomach as you pulled him up into another craving kiss. As you started to pull his shirt of you broke the hot kiss for just a moment to take it fully off, you then felt him tugging down your shorts, but at and agonizingly slow pace.  You pulled away from the kiss and looked at sasuke, “hurry and take them off…” you panted out, your voice barely audible, sasuke smirked at you begging at them as he then took out a kunai and cut them before ripping them off 

He then hooked a finger in your lacy panties as he pulled them off, as you felt him smirk once again before kissing you. he then sat up as he pull his boxers down enough to release his member, you heard him chuckle and you guessed you must have been starting at it, but it was big, you then felt him kiss down your neck as you let out a 
moan as he came back up and kissed you.

He then placed his hands on your hips as he pull them dragging your body upwards more as he hovered over you, as you  felt him shove himself in to you quickly, he also kissed you to hold back your scream, as he let out of the kiss you bit your lip drawing blood, as sasuke licked the up the blood he kissed you again trying to ease your pain as he kissed down your neck leaving love bites everywhere he could. You soon felt all the pain turn into pleasure as he kissed your neck and chest. “sa-saske… you can move now…” you told him in a panting voice ; from the heat.

As he started to move in and out of your womanhood you felt your inner walls clamp around his hard cock as he rocked you back and forth. “Fuck… sakura.. so tight..” you heard him grunt out as you flush even more from the 
comment. He started to go faster and each thrust sent you more and more closer to the edge..

As you felt him stop and griped one of your legs placing it around his waist while lifting the other over his shoulder as he then continued to pound in and out  of you. he then started to hit a bundle of nerves that made something like and electric shock run through your body, as you moan out his name even louder. Sasuke then aimed every thrust to hit that certain spot over and over. As you felt a coil build up inside you, pulling you closer to your edge, and you were sure sasuke was close too.

He trusted once more hitting the spot that made you scream out, as you felt the coil break , you screamed out his name. as he kept thrusting in a couple more times you felt him to realise, unable to keep back he loud grunt/moan, as he shot his seed deep inside your womb. He slowly pulled out of you hugging you close to his heaving chest. As you looked up and him; with his hair stuck to his forehead with sweat and a slight pant coming from his lips he opened his eyes and looked down at you.

“I love you… sakura Orihime..” he panted out.

“and I love you too, sasuke Uchiha..” you also panted out. As he pulled the blankets over you , you became very sleepy.

“do you think that Gaara will mind me taking you?” your eyes opened as he said this.

“I don’t know..” you said as you fell asleep being held in Sasuke’s arms.