“commodore Belle!” you heard some on shout as you were walking down one of the main streets, as you turn around and looked back to see who hollered to you, you look to find none other than Smoker, walking to catch up to you with Tashigi trailing behind him.
“Hello!” you turn and smile at them, as they caught up to you. As tashigi caught her breath smoker started to ask you questions on how you been since the last time they had stopped at loguetown.
“sir I’m going to take a look around.” You heard tashigi say as she walked away, As you turn your head to look at smoker.
“do you want to continue your walk??” he asked me as he started to walk. You stared after him before quickly catching up to him and walking with him.
“so what have you been up to smoker?” you asked as the silence stared to kill you. He looked down at you from the corner of his eye an huffed.
“chasing strawhat and his crew.” He said as he let the smoke come out of his mouth, as he took a breath. For the next 5 minute or more it was silent before you felt something grip your hand. You turn to find smoker looking at you, you felt a blush creeping up, “ are you hungry, because I will buy you dinner.” He said, that’s when the blush got even deeper, you were hungry but you didn’t want him wasting his money on you. you the shook you head no, as you went to turn.
You then blush even more as you started to hit you stomach while calling it stupid. You then heard a laugh as you look up at smoker. “im hungry to.” He said as he started to pull you one way.
As you arrived a one of the many restaurants here, he walked you in, as a waiter took you too a table. As you sat you looked out the window. Then you looked around at the other people here, they were all dressed up right fancy. As you look down you start to read the menu.
After a few more minutes the waiter came back and took your orders. While you waited for your food you looked at smoker to find him looking at you. “you didn’t have to do this you know.. I could pay for myself..” you said. As you looked down, you then felt your chin lift up as you look to see him holding it with his thumb and index finger.
“but I wanted to.” He said as you tried to keep the blush down, then your food came and it was silent again. He then stopped eating, as you look at him, you looked down. “thank you..” you said as you looked back at him he nodded his head as he finished his meal.
Soon you left the restaurant, and he ended up paying like he said he would, you then continued your walk, that is until something clicked in your mind. Wait! This is kind of like a date right? With the walk ,and the dinner which he also paid for. It has to be.. right? You then continued to walk as you came to a beach. The moon was out and its soft sliver light danced on the water, as he continued to walk. you walked down and took off your shoes as you stepped a little closer, before feeling the light waves hit your feet, while the sand glided over your feet along with the water.
You then started to walk through the waves, that is until you felt a push and you collapsed into the water. You then looked up to find a smirking smoker, but then his mouth turned from a smirk to a jaw drop. You didn’t know what was wrong until you looked down.
Your dress was soaked. Your WHITE dress was soaked… you quickly try and cover up as you heard him start to laugh you then flushed a very dark red, before taking you hand and splashing water up at him, putting out his two cigars.. he immediately stopped laughing as you started to laugh. You then stood up, your clothes were soaked and sticking to your body hugging your curves. “hey commodore do you want a hug?” you asked with an evil expression before trying to tackle him in a hug, in an attempt to soak him back but he turned to smoke and you ended up falling into the water again..
As you heard smoker laughing you bushed again before standing up again, when you looked at smoker this time he had a slight blush on his cheeks as he turned around to hide it you latched on to his back in a hug soaking through his jacket. As you felt him tense under your touch, so you let go and was about to started walking again, but before you could you felt him grab your waist and pull you back into him. As he pulled you into his bare chest you tried to contain your blush but is came out anyways, and you couldn’t stop it.
He then lifted you up, “this is for putting out my cigars!” he said you he then lightly through you into the water yet again. As you sat there in the water you let out a pout before splashing him yet again. You then stood up and started to laugh as you then ran down the beach. Then next thing you knew you tackled to the ground. You looked up and watched the stars as you laid there. You then heard smoker move, before his face blocked your view, as you look up into his eyes he craned his neck downwards and lightly kissed you. your eyes slightly widen as you blush but then soon flutter close as you start to kiss back.
As you felt him pull you into him more as he deepened the kiss, you wrap your arms around his neck. You soon felt his tongue lick across your bottom lip as you slowly start to open your mouth you felt his tongue slid in and start to explore every inch of your mouth, memorizing every nook and cranny of your mouth, you then both started fighting with your tongues.
As you felt him slide his hand up your leg to your inner thigh you let out a gasp, before he started to lick down your neck. As you let out a moan when he went over your soft spot, you felt him smirk on your skin, before he started to nip and lick that spot again. As he stopped kissing your neck he kissed your lips again before starting to pull off your dress.
He parted the kiss while he pulled the dress over your head. you let out a gasp as the cold air hit your body, you soon felt him start to kiss down your neck heading downwards toward your breasts. As you felt him leave little love bites down your neck you didn’t realize he had already removed your bra. He then took one into his warm mouth as he licked and sucked on it. You felt goose bumps go all over your body from the cold as he switched breast to give the other the same treatment .
You started to pout as he lifted his head and looked at you. “what?” he asked his voice husky.
“it’s just that I’m naked and you still have your clothes on..” you wined, he then smirked as he took off his jacket, as he went to take off his pants you grabbed his hands and kissed him passionately. You soon pull away as you start to trail burning kisses down his neck. You kiss all over trying to find his sweet spot, but to no avail.
“hah… I don’t have one…” your heard smoker grunt huskily, his warm breath hitting your face before fanning out. You let out a disapproving huff before your kissed over his collar bone and started to suck and nibble on the flesh of his neck.
“you said you don’t have one?...” you whispered into his ear pulling away from his mouth for just a moment. “well I’ll make one…” you explained as you went back down to his neck and finished leaving your love bite. You then started to kiss a trail down his chest, tracing his abs as you cascaded down his well-toned body. As you came to a stop you felt him lift your chin and kiss you once again pushing you to the ground. He started to grind his hips into yours as you felt his excitement growing, you grinded your hips back while your tongues roamed each-others mouths. the sweet friction causing your brain to become fully clouded over with lust and desire.
You then pushed up on his chest as you flipped the positions, you licked the brim of his pants as you unbuttoned them and pulled them off along with his boxers, you looked at the twitching flesh, you stared in awe. But soon you bent down and licked up his long shaft, as you took the tip and sucked on it, before lightly blowing air on it.
“… don’t tease me..” he said, trying to sound dominant, but it was covered by lust. You looked up, and looked back down before taking as much as you could into your mouth. You heard him grunt as he bucked his hips making you choke a little before using your hand to get what you couldn’t. as you bobbed your head up and down his erected member you started to feel him pulse in your mouth. You listened as you heard him grunt out your name. he then pulled on your hair a little as he moaned out in pleasure, as his climax hits.
As you swallow the sweet liquid, he pulled you into him kissing you, also forcing his tongue into your mouth as he hungrily tasted himself. You then felt his hand rub up and down your sensitive area, through your panties that were wet with arousal. “Sm-smoker….” You moan out as he breaks the kiss.
After that he hooked his fingers on you lacy panties which were the last article of clothing, he then kissed down your stomach he then stuck two fingers into your wet opening as he started to rub your inner thighs. You felt a coil build up and you let out a sharp gasp as you felt something wet slide up to your clit but you soon find that it was his tongue as he then started to suck on your clit.
You then felt the coil snap as you moan out, as smoker quickly licked it up and kissed you shoving his tongue into your mouth as he then pushed into you, as you wanted to scream the intense kiss made it impossible. He then broke the kiss and looked down at you as you quickly kiss him again. You bucked your hip into his as you felt the pain turn to pleasure.
“Gahh… your so… tight… belle..” he grunted as he pumped in and out of you, soon you were calling out his name as he went faster and deeper. You then felt that same coil build up as you moan out his name for what seem like the millionth time.. as he went deeper you felt him hit a bundle of nerves that sent you over the edge as your coil broke and your climax hit, your body fell limb as he pumped into you a few more times before thrusting into his climax, filling you with his hot seed…
As you woke up you found yourself in your bed, was it just a dream? You thought as you went to get up, but you couldn’t move when you looked down, there was a pair of arms wrapped around you and as you look over your shoulder there was a sleeping smoker.
2 months later
You were on your way home from the doctors when you heard someone calling your name. as you turn you see smoker running to catch up with you, he finally reached you and embraced you in a hug.
“I heard what happened at the doctors.” He said, which made you flush a light tone of pink. “I love you belle..” you heard him say. You pull out of the hug and kissed him passionately. You soon heard the passer byers cheering at you two, and you pull away, with a dark scarlet color painting your cheeks.
“I love you too, smoker.” You say as you walk home. As you walked you glanced a look at smoker only to find hime staring at you.
“so what are some baby names?” he asked you. as you placed a hand on your stomach you looked up to the clear sky.
“I have I feeling it’s a girl… so I think bellemere.” You say plain and simple.
“well how do you know that?” he asked you intrigued on how you know it’s a girl.
“lets just say mothers intuition.” You saw as you continued your walk.
3 Years later
You were wright you did have a baby girl and a year later you had a baby boy who you both name smoker jr.
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