Friday, 20 July 2012

Mori lemon one shot for~ swimmer345



name: Sydney Leviticus
Age: 17
crush: Mori

what she looks like: tall, slender but really strong, light skin, blue eyes and long brown hair usually worn in a ponytail
personality: tomboy, funny, competitive, bold, cocky, clever, and gets along with most guys, but not girls.


You looked at yourself in the mirror of the swim teams locker room, sighing you started to towel dry your hair. Once it look not as damp, you combed through it before pulling it up into a tight pony tail. You dried your neck of the water droplets that were left from your hair before look at the mirror once again and walked out into the hallway of Ouran.

You closed your eyes as you walk down the empty hallway, even though it won’t be this empty for long the bell would ring soon and the teens will leave the school except for the some of the girls who will probably head to the host club..

3,2,1 you counted in your head and as soon as you said one the bell went with all of the teens filling the once empty hallway. You smirked as you looked ahead of you to see a tall boy with dark hair and a blonde asleep on his back. You made your way through the crowd to them and as you get there you see that honey  had woken up.

“HEY SYDNEY! Wanna come to the host club and eat some cake with me!?”  Honey asked as you got closer. You laugh a little at the sweet smile he gave you. 

“sure I got nothing to do to day!” you answer his question grinning, mostly you agreed so that you can spend more time with Mori. You had a slight crush on him and his… quiet attitude, along with his good looks too of course!

You smile to yourself as you walk down the hallway with them, Mori saw you smile out of the corner of his eye and then looked ahead as he kept walking.
3 days later
                You waved good bye to Honey and Mori as you went your separate ways. They had the host club and you had an after school swim practice.  The last few days were different. You smile as you walk thinking about it. But different in a good way.

                The last few days you noticed Mori staring at you more and you found yourselves bumping into each other more and more.  And your smile widened at the thought that maybe he liked you back.

                 As you walk into the girls changing room you wave at the other girls though without a smile. Even though you don’t like most of them, you found that you get along with boys more than girls. Just easier you guess. You strip down and change into your swim suit and tie your hair up tighter before walking out the door that led to the pool.

                You walk to the deeper end before diving in, you felt free when you swam as the water smoothly glided around your tall and slim body as it travelled through the water. 

                After practice you were the last to get out of the pool like usual, and everyone else was long gone, all heading back home. The school was probably empty too. You didn’t even noticed how long you stayed in the pool just for the extra time. But as you would turn to a raisin soon, you jumped out and headed to the showers.
                You reached the handle of the shower and turned it on, the water falling over your already wet figure, only this time you took off you swim suit, and just let your head rest against the shower wall. that’s when you felt it. Your eyes widened as two masculine arms wrapped themselves around your waist. You quickly turn around to come face to face with Mori..
“M-Mori?” you stuttered out of shock.

Usually your more bold and confident, but with a naked mori standing in front of you, it was just you never thought Mori would do that. As you finally look back into his eyes he leans down and kisses you.

This brought you out of shock and back into your normal nature, you wrapped your arms around his neck and you kissed back with all the passion you had in you, you felt a smirk against your lips as he wrapped one arm around your waist pulling you as close as he could get, and he push the other hand against the wall, as he kissed you deeply the water from the shower pouring over both of you.

“Mori…” you moan into the kiss as you do so he takes the chance and slips his tongue in.  he explores every inch he could of your mouth savouring the taste of it. You let out another moan as he rubs his tongue against yours, you start to trail one of your hands down his well-toned chest and soon  fingers were tracing his abs. you then got a grunt out of the hormonal adolescent, which in return you smirked at. You then felt him pull his lips away as he started to trace your jaw line with kisses. He kissed down your neck, leaving love bites everywhere he could , not letting one place be un touched.

And when he found your soft spot on your neck he smirked as you let out the moan you were trying so hard to keep in. he bit an licked and sucked that spot soon drawing blood. Which he happily licked up.

Soon he began to kiss past your collar bone to the start of your bust, where he kissed between your breast and soon took your right nipple into his mouth, biting it slightly you let out a loud moan baring  your fingers in his dark locks of wet hair. You pulled his hair and he let out a groan and then pushed you up against the wall.

You let go of his hair as you  reach down and cup his face as you pull him up to meet your lips once again before kissing down his neck, chest, and abs. as you kissed lower reaching for his now hardened member you lick around the tip slowly before licking all the way down his shaft.

“don’t tease me Sydney..” you heard him grunt out along with his groan as you started to take him into your mouth and bob your head up and down his shaft. Grinding your teeth a little as you made your way up his shaft you felt him start to pulse in your mouth as he tangles his fingers in your hair bucking his hips making you take as much of him as you can, as he starts to cum.

You heard him moan your name as he shot his yummy juices into your mouth, swallowing them then coming back up you feel him become more dominant as he gets down and hold your legs apart while you are standing  you feel him lick between your folds to your clit as he sucks on it hard.

“M-MORI!” you gasp out louder as he smirks he then starts to push his tongue into your entrance, expertly pushing in and out faster as you fell your  walls start to tighten and you feel yourself reaching your climax.
You grip is hair once again as you release into his mouth as he licks you clean he come up and looks at you before licking his lips and kissing you. you feel him lift you up and wrap your legs around his waist as you back is against the wall.

Your moaning into the kiss when you pull away and gasps as you felt his tip push into you. he lets out a growl like noise before kissing you and pulling you down onto his hard cock. You close your eyes tightly from the pain as he the pulls away kissing the tears off your face. You look into his eyes as he buries his head into your neck slowly starting to rock into you.

“ahh… moriii…. Please faster..” you moan out bending your head slightly to the side and he pulls your hips to meet his faster thrusts, grunting he starts to go harder with the loud moans of his name he wanted to hear over as many times as he could.

 You soon felt him hit a spot that made it feel ten times better and when you moaned out his name the loudest you thought he started to aim and hit that same spot over and over. He let out another growl like sound as you walls started to clamp around him and he knew that he was getting close to release soon too.  You felt a build up in the pit of your stomach as you felt him start to pulse again. You let out a moan that echoed through the shower room as you came over his member.

With a few more thrust you felt him cum as well too mixing in with yours, he slowly pulled out earning one more moan from you.  both of you panting with your head  resting on his shoulder and his against the wall behind you.
“sydeny.” You heard him say between his pants.

“y-yes” you managed out.

“I love you”


Thursday, 19 July 2012

not posting on quizilla any more... and about requsting

i have now diecided to not post any of my of my stories on here anymore if you want to request or read my stories please go to my blog. the reason for this action is because of somebody reporting half of my stuff even my request forms... like seriously? does my request form have sexual content writen in it? NO! its a request form!... this has deffently ruined my mood so i will up my mood by contuineing my requests. and Please who ever reported half my stuff please at least read it, before reporting and then maybe you will see that there was no sexual content in it i erase it on quizilla's site for people who dont want to read that! your such a flagendoddle.... whatever that is i just called you...

ANYWAYS so i started to do the request that i have :) you can still request on here or message me on quizzilla , sorry for the long wait too! but i will try and finish them all and any that people request now!~

i now have some rules with taking my requests, i hope its okay with yous ! i dont want to make you unhappy with me!  

rule 1-    if you are gonna request please fill out the form, some people will just tell me to make them one of this person and i  dont get any info from them except them telling me who their person is...

Rule 2-  Please be patient with me, i know i know im bad at being lazy ! but from now on i will try to always update! that way there you dont have to read the same stories over and over while waiting! smart plan huh?  i know right!!

Rule 3 -  the last rule ! yeah yeah i know we all hate rules.... including me.. well any ways please if your going to fill out the form in the comments of that form please make sure that the from you filled out is in the right form comments. ex; please dont put a naruto one in the ohshc comments... it gets confusing ill be reading them for OHSHC and then BAM! naruto is there lol.... not funny 

ANYWAYS i hope thats okay with you guys and if you want to ask anything about this blog, request, types of stories or my decision to stop posting on quizzila just ask in the comments below ! or if you have anything to say! even if its random you can go ahead and comment it! oh yeah and the next story to be finished is a mori lemon! just a heads up!

LOVE yous! teheheh  <3  

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Hikaru and Kaoru lemon one shot for ~ kpopkorenluv


Name - Satomi Oshiro

Age - 15

Crush (s) - Hikaru and Kaoru

Family - Father, Mother, little brother, and a samoyed puppy

Family members names - Father (Shinji Oshiro), Mother (Ayame Oshiro), Brother (Takumi Oshiro), Puppy (Arashi)

What you wear - Satomi usually wear denim shorts with a shirt (or tank top if the days get really hot) when she goes out. But she also wears a skirt and a blouse too if her first option doesn't work for some reason.

Personality - loving, caring, random, smart, clever, sly

Story start

‘Haruhi…’ you thought about your childhood friend as you walked down the hallway taking in your new environment. You have recently been excepted into Ouran high school. As you walked down the hallway you felt nervous, your breath started to quicken as you made sure not to bump into someone. You needed a place to calm down.

Your eyes were searching for somewhere to  go when you spot an empty music room.. or so you thought, as you opened the door rose petals flew around you, and a group of boys stood in front of you. this didn’t really help with your nervousness either…

Quickly you were pulled out of your thoughts as one of the shorter of the boys ran up to you, gripping you in a hug.

“its you! its really you! Satomi!” the boy said while smiling at you. he defiantly looked familiar, the more you concentrated on the boy the more he didn’t look like a boy but like Haruhi!

“Haruhi? No way you’re here too?” you asked her with a smile also gracing your face along with hers.

“yes of course its me” she laughed out, you looked at her puzzled for a moment before asking the question that is on your mind.

“Haruhi, why do you look like a boy” she looked at you before telling you her story on why and how  she became a host.


Its been about 3 months now and you have become close with all the members of the host club, you always spent your free time at school with them and you even had the same class as Haruhi, Hikaru and Kaoru.

Out of all the boys of the host club you became closest with the twins, their mischievousness and personalities are what drawn you to them, you love watching them do there Brotherly love act and you would sometimes laugh at it.

You have come to grow a crush on them and unlucky for you that Haruhi noticed. She would bug you to tell them sometimes and you would just shrug it off. Sure you liked them but your just like a sister to them, and nothing more. That’s how you see it, and it won’t ever change.

You were the last leaving the club today as you said you would clean it up some since it’s the weekend and you have the time, so the group left you without questioning.

You sighed as you looked around at the left out tea cups and pots, along with the uneaten treats and sweets. You looked down at your uniform and went to the back room to change. When you came back out you were wearing your denim shorts and your favorite tank top.

“.. well I have to start somewhere..” you said to yourself as you started to pick up all the dishes left out.

After about a hour you finished collecting, washing and drying the dishes. You went to head back out when you noticed it was starting to get dark out and you still had to finish cleaning, that’s when you heard it.

It sounded like movement in the sitting area.. you quietly tip toed out and into the room to see no one there. You stood up straight and laughed a little to yourself.

“Its just imagination..” you say nervously to yourself and not even 5 seconds after you said that something covered your eyes and you would of screamed too but they covered you mouth and dragged you to the back. Or so you thought you didn’t exactly know where your captor was taking you.

Soon you felt yourself get seated into a chair and when you were able to open your eyes you were right they took you to the back of the room. You looked around when your eyes landed on your captor.

“you think this is funny?..”  you ask them, greatly annoyed.

“well we wanted to talk to you” 

“about something Haruhi told us”

They took turns talking like usual, you stared at them for the longest time, and you were still greatly annoyed.

“so because you wanted to talk to me you had to 1. Scare me. And 2. Kidnap me?...” you ask lowering your view from them in annoyance.

“‘yes’”  they said together.

“Hikaru, Kaoru, im gonna kill you..”  you said slightly argy with them. That’s when they both smirked, and you didn’t like it, not one bit. Soon the twins walked over to you, one on each side.

They bent forward and you felt their breath on your neck, and blushed.

“Haruhi told us”

“that you have a crush on us”

You felt their smirks in the way they spoke, then you were taken from your thoughts as you felt Hikaru kiss your neck, while Kaoru, started to kiss just below your ear. You were completely shocked at their actions, and soon without realizing it let out a loud moan.
You yet again felt their smirks on your skin this time, you then felt Hikaru leave your neck while Kaoru kept sucking on you tender flesh leaving love bites. You watched as Hikaru walked in front of you, and kissed you, you started to kiss back and that’s when Kaoru kissed your sweet spot on your neck and you moaned into the kiss.

Hikaru took this moment to slip his tongue in kissing you deeply as his tongue searched your mouth, he soon pulled away smirking even more and then you felt a pair of hands on your waist as they lifted your shirt over your head.

 as your tank was fully removed your black bra was reviled to the smirking twins, Hikaru back away and started to kiss around your neck and shoulders again while Kaoru came in front of you and started to kiss you passionately, before traveling down to your bust line and licking and kissing the exposed skin.

You moan some more as you felt Hikaru start to kiss the back of your neck while his hands moved up and down your sides before un hooking your bra. Kaoru slipped his finger under the strap of your bra and pulled it down your arms as he attacked one of your breast. You close your eyes and you let out a groan.

You couldn’t believe this was happening to you, soon you felt Hikaru leave your neck once again and you didn’t know where he went, that’s when you gasped loudly as you felt Hikaru attack your other breast biting it, and sucking it.

You felt your body temperature rising, and then you felt both pull away.

 You opened your eyes slight light when you felt yourself get picked up and softly lowered to the floor, when you looked up you see both twins had taken off their shirts and pants, leaving them in the boxers. You blushed at the sight of them as the smirk.

Soon they were back kissing you and feeling your body, as you were in the middle of a makeout with Kaoru you felt Hikaru take off your pants along with your black thong, then you felt his tongue lick up between your folds and start to suck on your clit hard and you moan into Kaoru’s mouth, gripping one of your hands into his locks of hair your other traveled down his hard chest.

When you got to his boxers you slipped your hand in side and ran you soft hand up his shaft, in doing so you heard him grunt as you then started to pump your hand up and down it. Hearing the grunts and groans from his brother Hikaru push two fingers into your entrance, you let out a moan as you break the kiss panting slightly from the pleasure of it all while still moving your hand over Kaoru you feel him start to pulse in your hand you pull it out and push down his boxers.

Sitting up you feel Hikaru pumping his fingers in and out  fast while panting slightly you move your head over to Kaoru, and lick the tip before licking up and down his shaft. He lets out a loud grunt as you star to suck on him, slightly grinding your teeth you feel him start to pulse again this time he grabs your hair as he bucks his hips slightly as you taste his seed fill your mouth.

He groans as you swallow it, while a drop of it dribbled down your chin Kaoru whipes it away and kisses you again. Your eyes then widen as you felt Hikaru enter you fully slowly pumping in and out making you moan louder while Kaoru kissed your neck. You felt you climax soon start to come as Hikaru pumps faster and deeper into you, hitting your g-spot hard. You let out a loud moan as you felt your walls close around Hikaru and hear him groaning your name while going harder than before.

You then let out a loud moan as you came along with hikaru. As he pulls out you panting as he sits behind you kissing your neck and gropping your breast. And then you gasp as you felt Kaoru enter you. you loudly moan as he pulls out and flips you on all fours entering you again before going in and out a fast pace.

Hikaru starts to kiss you and then kisses your neck you smirk and kiss his neck and down his chest to his still hard member as you take him in your mouth with Kaoru still pumping in and out harder and deeper with groans of pleasure escaping him. Along with Hikaru as you feel you start to build up again and close around Kaoru’s cock, you moan releasing onto him, he groans as you he keeps going.

Hikaru groaning along with him, with his fingers tangled in your hair you start to feel him pulse as he releases in your mouth bucking his hips as Kaoru soon releases inside you filling you. you  moan as he pulls out both falling beside you. panting and smirking at you.

“ we both like you too Satomi” Kaoru said.

“we were arguing over who would get you” Hikaru finished for his brother before both of them saying.

“‘but we like to share everything’”

“even me?” you asked smiling, happy you got them to yourself.


“even you” they smiled before both kissing your cheeks.