Thursday, 19 July 2012

not posting on quizilla any more... and about requsting

i have now diecided to not post any of my of my stories on here anymore if you want to request or read my stories please go to my blog. the reason for this action is because of somebody reporting half of my stuff even my request forms... like seriously? does my request form have sexual content writen in it? NO! its a request form!... this has deffently ruined my mood so i will up my mood by contuineing my requests. and Please who ever reported half my stuff please at least read it, before reporting and then maybe you will see that there was no sexual content in it i erase it on quizilla's site for people who dont want to read that! your such a flagendoddle.... whatever that is i just called you...

ANYWAYS so i started to do the request that i have :) you can still request on here or message me on quizzilla , sorry for the long wait too! but i will try and finish them all and any that people request now!~

i now have some rules with taking my requests, i hope its okay with yous ! i dont want to make you unhappy with me!  

rule 1-    if you are gonna request please fill out the form, some people will just tell me to make them one of this person and i  dont get any info from them except them telling me who their person is...

Rule 2-  Please be patient with me, i know i know im bad at being lazy ! but from now on i will try to always update! that way there you dont have to read the same stories over and over while waiting! smart plan huh?  i know right!!

Rule 3 -  the last rule ! yeah yeah i know we all hate rules.... including me.. well any ways please if your going to fill out the form in the comments of that form please make sure that the from you filled out is in the right form comments. ex; please dont put a naruto one in the ohshc comments... it gets confusing ill be reading them for OHSHC and then BAM! naruto is there lol.... not funny 

ANYWAYS i hope thats okay with you guys and if you want to ask anything about this blog, request, types of stories or my decision to stop posting on quizzila just ask in the comments below ! or if you have anything to say! even if its random you can go ahead and comment it! oh yeah and the next story to be finished is a mori lemon! just a heads up!

LOVE yous! teheheh  <3  


  1. um where can I find the form

  2. Please make a dirtier and different story with reader x twins
