Wednesday, 13 March 2013

One Piece Request Form

Heres the One Piece request form !!

just fill out the info below for the type of story you want and leave it in the comments below! also when  you comment please add which type of story it is, thank you :)

For lemons I will need this information: 





what you wear

if you're a pirate/marine/normal etc.

what you look like

current relationship with crush



bounty (if you’re a pirate)

if any powers (ex; devil fruit, sword fighter etc.. )

what degree lemon (cute {soft} rough {medium} or kinky {hard})

For One Shots I will need this information:





what you wear

if you're a pirate/marine/normal etc.

what you look like

current relationship with crush



bounty (if you’re a pirate)

if any powers (ex; devil fruit, sword fighter etc.. )

For baby daddies I need this information:





what you wear

if you're a pirate/marine/normal etc.

what you look like

current relationship with crush



bounty (if you’re a pirate)

if any powers (ex; devil fruit, sword fighter etc.. )

if this story includes a lemon or if not

if it includes a lemon then what degree lemon (cute {soft} rough {medium} or kinky {hard} etc.)

how many kids

if he stays

the kids names

and future

*** You don't need to choose a lemon degree you can leave it and I will just write it as a normal lemon ***

just leave the filled out info in the comments below !! thank you! and don't feel shy ! if you wish to request do so, you do not need to leave a name you can do it anonymously or private message me on my Wattpad account!


  1. Here you can find the Informations. I've uploaded it on my server:

    Please leave a message if this is done, thank you :)

  2. Name-yukumi f.
    Age- 19
    Personality- I'm short tempered when comes to people that piss me off, kind of to trusting, doubtful. Iove to Joke around and when time calls for I can kick ass an dead serious. WAYYYYY over protective over friends and blood. Blood and family before me and a potty mouth when I'm mad usually happy bipolar ish ��
    Life-I'm a pirate and my parents died one was a marine one was famous pirate
    Looks- I have golden eyes, and pitch black hair my hair stops at shoulders though I have two long strands in te her front, and I have pong tail that reaches all the way down to my butt. ( so like imagine sakuras short hair with two long strand in the very front with and a longer ponytail in back) (pic an anime pirate outfit for me ��)
    My crush- is ace made friends with him and jimbey in prison and SAVED SAVED him from the asshole lava Fag. And I can never be the actually one to come out with my feelings
    Past- I trained my self and made a name for myself
    Dream- to get over drowning my fear, and the become the queen of pirates
    Bounty - 540,000,000belli
    Power - my power is my control of gravitation (which leads to things like earthquakes, bone crushing, body control) however it's puts alot of pressure on the body that can be dangerous

  3. Name: Alice
    age: 19
    crush/crushes: Monkey D. Luffy
    personality: I'm very sweet and caring towards everybody and everything unless you are and evil person (Blackbeard)or annoying(Hancock). Animals and children seem to flock to me because i'm so kind. Though if you do get me angry or do something horrible to me or my friends I will turn into a complete pyschopathic killing machine.
    what you wear: I wear a Lapis Lazuli colored spaghetti strap tank top with a bright gold bikini top underneath, dark denim daisy duke shorts and gold sandals. I wear a large Platinum key around my neck that is encrusted with extremely rare rainbow diamonds. I have Lapis Lazuli colored beads in the lower layer of my hair and also I wear gold chains as a belt and they hold my battle axe and my battle hammer, both are made from the bones of sea kings.
    if you're a pirate/marine/normal etc...: Pirate
    what you look like: I have grass green eyes (green with traces of gold) cool black hair that comes just a little above my breasts. Cup size 36D and i'm hourglassed figured.
    current relationship with crush: He saved me in town when guys were harassing me...even though I could have taken care of it myself.
    past: About 150 years ago I was born to Captain Flint and the female pirate/siren Marina. My dad at this time was the king of the pirates so my mom and I were in hiding for a while. For my Seventh birthday my parents were executed. My dad a couple days before had told me to guy find his treasure it will lead you to something interesting so he gave me the key that I still wear around my neck.
    dream: To find all the treasure chests my dad left behind.
    bounty: It used to be 200,000,000,000 belli but since the marines thought I had died they took away m bounty.
    if any powers:Me being a siren I grow to the age of 19 then I stop. The only way I can start aging again and become unimmortal is by kissing the man i'm in love with(sirens believe in love at first sight and usually they are right)I have also eaten the Treasure Treasure fruit which gives me the tattoo of a jolly roger on my back. Any time I am near treasure the tattoo grows and gets darker. Also when i'm near a large sum of treasure my body is in a huge amount of pain.
    lemon: I want it to be sexy and a little viloent (Luffy should be dominant and I be submissive)

  4. Name Enthkinu Emer
    age 24
    crush/crushes Law
    personality: Normal quite, very loyal to her crew
    what you wear: black shorts and a green tank top
    if you're a pirate/marine/normal etc..Pirate, on laws crew
    what you look like: Long black hair with blue highlights. Also has deep green eyes.
    current relationship with crush: at the moment good friends
    past: She grew up in the law.
    dream: you can make one up.
    bounty (if your a pirate):80,000
    if any powers (ex; devil fruit, sword fighter etc.. ) Devil fruit shape shift into a wolf, also good with swords
    what degree lemon (ex ; sexy, cute, violent etc.)somewhat forced
    Also thank you, if you are nor doing request anymore thats ok.
    (also i know i put this up somewhere else i wanted to move it over here)

  5. Name: Luna Rensega

    age: 21

    crush/crushes : Eustass Kid or captain kid

    personality : Flirty, strong willed , likes to fight.

    what you wear: Black leather tube top with rips along both sides and a pair of blue jean shorty shorts with large chain belt and mid thigh leather boots.

    Affliction: Pirate

    what you look like: pale with long red hair with black tips and ice blue eyes.

    current relationship with crush: member of crew

    past: in the past I was an orphan, I raised myself since I was 7 and trained everyday and fought for everything I have. I joined the Kid pirates 3 years ago when I was 18.

    dream: to be loved and wanted for once in my life.

    bounty: 100,000,000

    Powers: Devil Fruit and my chain/belt that's lined with razor blades.

    Lemon: sexy , romantic

    how many kids: twins boy and girl.

    if he stays: stays

    the kids names: KJ and Luka

    and future: you decide

  6. Devil fruit ---> The users of Zoan class Devil Fruits gain the ability to transform into an animal (and acquire every ability affiliated with said animal). The user can also transform into a human-beast hybrid form. There are Zoan Devil Fruits not only for common animals, but for prehistoric or ancient animals and mythological creatures as well (ancient and mythological are rarer, with mythological said to be even rarer than some Logia Devil Fruits).

  7. @lovehim21 Is there anyway you can erase the post that I made on May 21, 2013 10:28 am? I would like to create my own story on Lunascene using this original idea but I don't want to be accused of plagiarism even though it was my idea :/ I don't have a blogger account so I can't erase my old comment.


    Name: Rahafianna Rosalina Rahaf for short(I know weird name huh?)

    Age: 17/18

    Crush/crushes: Monkey. D.Luffy

    Personality: smart, kind ,generous, willing to help others, unique.

    What do you wear: normal: long creme dress up to your ankle, with the crew: long red up to knee boots with black shorts and a white blouse with a small sleevless brown jacket, a white eye patch to cover up her golden ones (i'll explain later). With a sea stone necklace that her mother left her.

    Affliction: pirate

    What you look like: pale with chocolate dark black hair, two eye colours one is light brown and the other is gold with orange around the edges.

    Current relationship with crush : crew mates later finds out bout my story then falls in love.

    Past: my family has this magic power of summoning a great monster with an enormous power. The world government didn't like the fact that our family had powers like that so they killed every single one of them except for me because I was hiding in the basement. Our special mark is having two different eye colours the other one must be gold.i had to hide that eye with an eye patch. Later on I joined the pirate crew and the world government found out my secret now thwy are hunting me down.

    Dream: to be treated equally and loved my someone, to become the best of what she can be!

    Bounty: 600, 000, 000 berries

    Special power: to summon a monster with an enormous power sue has great speed and a great fighter.

    Lemon: sexy, romantic.....not tooo dirty though!

    How many kids: twins one girl and boy then a little girl Ace, yamiko,, akami

    If he stays: stays

    EXTRA: can I get kidnapped while pregnant by the world government and neaely killed untill luffy comes and saves me Thanks :)

    I beg you please do this please please :3

  9. Name: Suko [shadow child] Hikage
    Age: Same as Zoro
    Crush/crushes: Zoro
    Personality: rebel tomboy independent cussing problem caring loving tends to hide her real feelings tough girl loves music
    What you wear: outfit but in red, black and a mint green [like Zoro’s hair] and with baggie black cargo shorts
    What you look like long spikey black hair w/red highlights, fringe that goes over her left eye, mint green eyes [like Zoro’s hair] with rings around her eyes [like Gaara from Naruto] from insomnia
    Current relationship with crush best friends
    Past was treated like an outcast for something she didn’t know of: her birth family were pirates but not wanting her to be in danger they gave her to civilians, her home life was also bad because she was like a slave and not a family member she ran away at 16 to become a pirate 2 years later she made friends with Zoro and quickly had a crush on him 1 year later they parted ways 3 years have past and she still hasn’t seen him until she meets Luffy
    Dream to be seen as a great pirate not just a woman
    Bounty 466,426,666
    If any powers devil fruit: the power of elemental bending. 2 swords, and she has always has had a unique control of the shadow and can bend them to her will.
    What degree lemon violent, sexy, and kinky

  10. baby daddy
    name: wolf d. kenya
    famliy:big brothers luffy,ace
    past: same as luffys
    personality: tough,cool, likes to sleep alot ,easly angered,drinking problum, rarely smiles
    looks: black hair like luffy with red streks like shanks, blue eyes,black tee shirt and jeans three swords at side at all times, black bandana tied around wrist to hide scars from a past battle she wont talk about
    relationship to crush: best friends
    status: pireate
    bounty: 25000 beli
    powers: can transform into wolf, is a skilled swordswoman as well
    number of wanted kids: 3
    kids names: sont, and kenta twin girls , kiraki
    futer:you decidce
    if he stays: he stays
    nno lemon
    exteras: i would like to point out my charecter has three forms like chopper and she cant control her third form it takes over when she is extremly angery and she cant tell friend from foe in this form she is tens stronger then the avge wolf and tens bigger ps: sorry for my sucky spelling

  11. Name Mayuri
    age 20
    crush/crushes Shanks
    personality Strong, Intelligent, Clumsy
    what you wear: Green Bikini Top, Short Maroon Shorts, Black Thigh Highs and Boots. Panda Necklace.
    what you look like: Ginger, Pale, Freckles, Tattoos.
    current relationship with crush: You decide
    past: Secret
    dream: To find her family.
    bounty (if your a pirate) 600,000
    if any powers (ex; devil fruit, sword fighter etc.. ) Martial Arts,
    what degree lemon (ex ; sexy, cute, violent etc.)Sexy

  12. Name: Madoka
    age: 20
    crush/crushes: Shanks
    personality: kind, sweet, hot-headed, but also strong
    what you wear: a bandana and desert like dancer clothing
    if you're a pirate/marine/normal etc..: Pirate
    what you look like: Dark indigo blue eyes, tall, small breasts but not flat, waist length black hair, and pale skin.
    current relationship with crush: Crushing
    past: Grew up quite well, but has always loved the sea and decided to become a pirate.
    dream: To keep those close to her safe
    bounty (if your a pirate): High but not immensly.
    if any powers (ex; devil fruit, sword fighter etc.. ): Fights with her great relfexes and speed, isn't physically strong in the sense of lifting things, uses one giant sword strapped to her back.
    if this story includes a lemon or if not: Yes
    if it includes a lemon then what degree lemon (ex ; sexy, cute, violent etc.): You choose
    how many kids: 2
    if he stays: You choose
    the kids names: you choose
    and future: you choose

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Baby Daddy
    Name: Victoria Blundar, "Killa Blunda", "Viper Vick", or "Tricky Vicky"
    age: 21
    crush/crushes: Zero
    personality: serious, short temper, sometimes lazy, fighter, hard to get, chief, dry humor, strong, dominate, and slightly flirty.
    what you wear: white corset with black lining button up and short light blue jacket, black rosary and silver chaining with some charms, light torn and worn jeans, black laced stiletto boots.
    Status: Normal
    Looks: medium-short raven black hair that shimmers in the moonlight, pale porcelain smooth skin, slightly below average Hight, fit, cold yet soft ice blue eyes, slight faded pink freckles, delicate yet wirey muscle body.
    past: at the age of 6 her parents were killed in front of her for torture, after escaping she roamed around her home city for 13 years before becoming a strong stuck up bandit.
    dream: to get revenge for her parents death, and live peacefully.
    Powers or traits: Sword Fighter.
    Bounty: 30,000,000 ( wanted for theft and falsely convicted of murdering her own family and a few others)
    Lemon level: cute, slightly violent.(hard to tell who's dominant)
    how many kids: 3
    if he stays: he attempts to but she disappears for sometime before finding out of first pregnancy but returns 7 months later to have zoro find out.
    the kids names: twins; Lucy and Zane, last; Ricky
    future: you decide..

  15. Name: Akuma
    Age: 18
    Crush: Ace
    Personality: Crazy (in a good way), kind, smart funny, stern when need be, and loyal
    Clothes: black shorts, combat boots, red tank top, and one of Ace's old hat
    Status: Ace's 2nd in command
    Physical appearance: Pale skin, red hair, silver eyes, and a scar that runs all the way down her back
    Current relationship: Ace's crush who he wants to confess to badly
    Past: She's the biological daughter of Shanks, her mother is unknown since she lived with her dad all her life. She left Shanks crew, at the age of 16, after a fight about wanting to be able to fight along side him. After she left, she sailed all on her own for 3 months when Ace found her and made her join his crew.
    Dream: To surpass her father's strength and status
    Bounty: 500,000 beri less than Ace's
    Powers/strengths: Strategic motherfucker, ate the devil fruit that grants its user the ability to make themself and anything they touch invisible at will, suel wields swords
    Lemon status: Fluff and hardcore
    Furture kids: a set of twin boys named Roger and Marco

  16. Name: Cassie
    age: 20
    Crushes: Portgas D Ace and Marco Phoenix
    personality: clueless, happy, hyper, tends to says thing without thinking, gullible, caring, very motherly.
    what you wear: a simple white kimono with a pattern of pink flowers. hair in a ponytail held up by a pink ribbon and a silver necklace.
    Status: head doctor of white beard pirate
    what you look like: pale skin, blond hair which is always held up in a ponytail with a pink ribbon, blue eyes, large breast, some what short.
    current relationship with crush: Close friends with Marco who secretly likes her, Also Ace's crush who Ace get jealous of when Marco is around.
    Past: Her village and family were killed by slave traders and she was forced into slavery at the age of 4, Cassie was forced to eat a devil fruit for the entertainment of her owners. At age 13 she and her best friend attempted to and eventually managed to escape to freedom. However, her friend was badly injured while escaping and died because Cassie couldn't heal the other girl properly. From that day on Cassie strive to become the world's best doctor and heal anyone who needed help. The pink ribbon she always wears is a gift from her best friend and her silver necklace was her father's before he was killed. She joined white beard at age 17.
    dream: To become the world's best doctor
    bounty: 450,000 beri
    Powers: Devil fruit user with the ability to control plants and nature. An Amazing doctor, also has two sets of poison coated needle hidden in the sleeves of her kimono that she uses as back up weapons for emergency.
    Lemon: Fluff, romance, hardcore, maybe threesome?????

  17. Name:kira
    Crush:luffy ace
    Wearing:big sweater shorts boots nothing under sweater, but bra
    Status:strawhat assassin
    Looks like:pink hair long, brown eyes, large breasts,small fangs,pale skin
    Current relationship with crush:best friend with luffy who never knew why he felt funny around her and ace comes and visits luffy but falls in love with kira
    Past:her village was burnt down by pirates and her family died in the fire she got stabbed by a pirate left to die but shanks crew saved her and she learned that not all pirates are bad shanks told her about his adventure's and she wants to become a pirate her self even pirate queen . Soon shanks dropped her off at a village with an old friend of his, but died ang no one wanted to take her in so she worked as an amazing strong assassin and a job as a waiter. Her boss was evil she then the straw hats saved her and luffy asked her to join
    Dream:pirate queen but no one knows except robin
    Power:machine gun,claws like wolverine but 4 instead of 3 , can kick like sanji but 10 times worse and painful, also so quiet and balanced like a cat not even using haki you won't be able to notice her so it makes her assassin job easer
    Lemon:hardcore,sexy,fluff,cpupd even be a threesome between luffy and ace
